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1 of 365 | 2025

New Year, new website, blog what-have-you. A move to something a bit more constructive and different than a self-hosted WordPress instance has long been in waiting but I've finally made the jump. It's been a handful of years since my last update on my previous site - I've got to work on moving those posts here, eventually - but for now, it's going to mostly just the post that I've agreed to do for David Cowen's Daily-post challenge. Here is to hoping we get to a point of having it part of my routine.

One of Three Sixity Five

Quick note on what to expect from this website/blog: some things are likely going to differ pretty significantly from the previous blog, while other things are likely to stay. You can expect posts on:

  1. Posts on getting this website/blog stood up. It'll help force me to get it off the ground.
  2. HubSpot - I work in "RevOps" now, which is basically a fancy way to say "sales and marketing automation." So because I'm talking about HubSpot all-day-every-day, it's usually top-of-mind
  3. Clients - I'm very client-facing, more so than ever, so I'll very likely have some general musing on what makes a good or bad client, review of what works and doesnt.
  4. Fatherhood - My son is currently at the time of writing this, inching his way into being a teen. I'm sure I'll have things I'll want/need to get off my chest there.
  5. Beer/brewing... maybe - I did buy a new electric setup and have a keezer with a keg and a beer in it, but I just don't drink or share the volume I had previously. Maybe I need to move to something smaller?
  6. Maybe some creative non-fiction stuff? We'll see how we're feeling.

Welcome to 2025 gang - let's get started.